Wendy Vigroux

Yoga Teacher, Scholar, Trainer

Leading with love, with each class, training, workshop she teaches and with each article she writes for www.brainzmagazine.com.

Simply a Human Navigating Life

Yoga Teacher of Teachers

Over the years, decades Wendy has created and taught RYT200, 300, Yin Yoga Certifications. During the pandemic she closed the doors of her physical yoga studio and transitioned the trainings online. She created teacher training programs to fit any schedule, to be inclusive, accessible and trauma informed. There was online content, quizzes, written papers, classes and workshops to take and to teach and an option to participated in in-person sessions.

This was a huge part of her life and brought much joy. It was and is, a necessary building block to the next stage of her journey. She however, realized that she needed time off. After much reflection, she embraced her privilege to do just that. Stay tuned for the journey and what emerges on the other side!



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Yoga Changed my Life.

So, I paid it Forward

The first time in savasana, I realized that I had not had this sense of well-being in a very long time. I also wobbled home because my legs were shaky from those chair poses. The more that I delved into yoga both the philosophical and physical practice the more I found that this could really help everyone, children, older folx and everyone in between.

I became a teacher. I owned a yoga studio for almost 2 decades. I am a teacher of teachers and a lifelong yoga geek particularly where Western research proves and validates millennia old techniques for inner peace in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Follow me as I shift, evolve to the next manifestation of my being.

Change is the Only Constant in Life


Click here for access to the FRee One Week On Demand Yoga Classes

When Grit isn’t Great

It takes great courage to leave behind what’s not for you anymore. It is that same courage that will help you find your way to what is. That is the advice that sealed my change in direction.

Holding on, and grit was something that she prided herself on. Yet, with the help of yoga, and therapy she realized that it was a trauma response. Click below to read more of my personal journey on a blog post.

Yes, there are decades of work, hundreds of pages of curricula written, research and the training of wonderful people. Uncomfortable decisions, come with signs.

Hang in there!

Email wendywyoga@gmail.com

Grit vs. Wisdom

Being honest with ourselves, is a tenet of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Being able to find inner stillness IS the definition of yoga according to Patanjali. This may mean that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is one of the first set of psychology tools written. I digress!

Being honest with ourselves, may not be fun - truly honest that is. However, the liberation of the ‘stuff’ is nothing short of bliss.

Yes, it is hard, making emotionally loaded decisions for change, leaving the comfort of ‘the same’. Doing so with wisdom, awareness, and courage takes time, commitment to the inner quest.

This I learned.

Depression to Embracing Life

In the past my stubborn resistance to change, brought on more traumatic experiences, depression, self-isolation and vicious cycles. Until, I had a circle of friends who held me, a professional who guided me and yes my beloved yoga practices.

My body held on to so much, for so long with grit that was not great, that I physically had to let go of parts of myself. I had a hysterectomy. I knew that this was part of the journey, a physical manifestation of what my emotional self, had to release in order for me to fully heal.

That is when I understood that a leave of absence was the time needed to focus, strategize on my next move on this professional yoga journey. Travel, writing, yoga are all part of the journey which I will share in detail once it is complete.

Read what Wendy’s students have to say about her


"I realized after Wendy’s teacher training program how thorough it is. I left the training being able to confidently teach, understanding the philosophy and even the business of yoga.”

“Wendy is the best teacher! Her instructions make transitions easy. Whether it be a challenging core class, restore or yin, she teaches with yoga philosophy throughout. Classes with her are a holistic experience. Good for the mind and body!”


From the Journal