Why are there so many Warrior Poses in Yoga?

Life is not fair. It just is not. That said life is wonderful. Self-realization is a package deal with profound peace and heart-warming fulfillment. That is priceless.

To live this life, is to be a warrior, and advocate for goodness, peace, love and joy for ourselves and for others. The warrior must embrace our pain as a vehicles to fulfillment, part of our own unique journey. On the other side of pain is peace however we have to crossover. It is the traverse that calls up all the inner strength and courage of a warrior.

We are often at war with ourselves, or rather what we learned from our parents, society, in school …. There is a tugging between our experiences vs. the yearning of our souls. Warrior poses in yoga represent, ultimately, our path to ourselves, to unconditional self love, self acceptance?.


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