Life’s Splashes, Ripples, Undercurrents and yes… Stillness

Water is powerful, can generate electricity, can wear down stone. Water flows and reaches places that solid matter cannot hope to. Water can be dangerous, unforgiving, deadly. Water is also life giving, soothing and refreshing.

Our emotions, our subconscious are like water. They can be dangerous, wild and out of control. There are undercurrents that may be triggered by something that is innocent. Our emotions are manifestation powerhouses, potentially fueling up lifetimes of visualizations. Our thoughts and emotions are our life blood. They are why we fall in love, why we sigh before the magnificence of nature and can savor the sweetness, the pain and all that this life has to offer.

Part of the ardent yoga student’s journey is the awareness of the emotions and the knowing that ‘we’ are not our emotions but their leader, their guide, their boss, their teacher, the comforter. With practice we can harness this power that we have been given, by awareness, self-study, persistence, compassion as we learn. We can equally draw a line, and make space between difficult thoughts and our tender souls. We can be the observer, and then become empowered enough to choose our reactions, shift our thoughts, feelings in more constructive ways for where we want to go and who we want to become.

The secrets to life and success in 3 paragraphs.

Yet, it is extremely challenging to learn, to fail and to have the courage to try again.

The magic sauce, is exactly that - having the courage to keep at it!


Why Virtual/ Online Yoga can be Transformational


The Angst of Making Mistakes, Om-nalysis….